The ERA works hard to support fair and equal policies, actions, and initiatives that create a just and inclusive society.
At theERA, we support fair and equal opportunities for all. We believe in creating a society where everyone has a chance to succeed and access to opportunities. Unfortunately, many existing power systems are unfair, causing unequal privilege and opportunities. We firmly believe that ensuring fairness is crucial for the continued well-being of the arts, culture sector, and communities at large. We want everyone to have the opportunity to live a vibrant and creative life. That's why we work to find new ways to achieve this goal. We are committed to creating an inclusive society and making a difference in people's lives through collaboration and advocacy for change.
Join us on this journey to build a fairer and more diverse community for everyone.
Here are some of the ways in which we can collaborate to help you achieve your objectives:
Supporting and assisting in contract management
Engaging in and conducting community outreach for public art commissions
Facilitating networking opportunities
Cultivating strategic partnerships
Undertaking marketing efforts including email, web, and social media
Generating content for social media platforms
Developing and enhancing your brand identity
Establishing settings for private events and organizing exclusive and intimate, customized events for clients.